Half Day Wellness Retreat for Health Professionals

Saturday 16th November

2:00pm - 5:00pm
29 Victoria Ave, Albert Park
Cost- $100

Dr Laura (GP & yoga teacher) invites you to take off your shoes and health professional hat, and enjoy some well-deserved time to rest and decompress during this nourishing 3-hour event.

Healthcare is rewarding and essential. We carry a lot for our clients. When we are unable to maintain balance due to stressors, we can be left feeling strung out, and depleted. What’s more maintaining usually easeful work practices can become tricky.  Please join me to receive some accessible techniques to return to balance in the format of a yoga class and workshop.



2:00pm - 2:15pm: arrive and settle in

2:15pm - 330pm: guided mat or chair-based movement, breath work and meditation

330pm - 415pm: afternoon tea with presentation on self care strategies & practices

415pm - 445pm: yoga therapist group session with Bri Wringe

445pm - 5:00pm: closing thoughts


Safe for any body. No prior yoga experience required

Please use the contact form to reserve your spot